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Video of the Week – Animator vs. Animation IV

By Dan Hutton on October 12, 2014 in

Animator vs. Animation IV from Alan Becker on Vimeo.

This Kickstarter funded short animation is an absolute piece of gold. Don’t be scared of by the 13-minute run time – once you start watching you won’t be able to stop.

Animator vs. Animation IV is the struggle between a stick figure and its creator, a computer animator. In this, the fourth Animator vs. Animation installment, the animator is finally shown in real life interacting with his computer monitor.

The stick figure, resisting his tormentor, attacks his social life by hacking his Facebook account, travelling onto his iPhone via USB cord, and drawing animations of his own to dismantle the animation interface.

But it this drawing of animations that leads to the ultimate resolution. Absolute brilliance!