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Video of the Week – Tour de France Teaser

By Dan Hutton on July 6, 2014 in

The Tour de France got underway on the weekend and as such we thought we’d get behind the cycling theme and deliver this old classic from the Paul Hogan Show.

It certainly is a piece of vintage late 1970s/early 1980s sexism at its absolute finest. I’m not sure you could get away with it today, but it’s fairly harmless really, and a great song to boot.

Speaking of the song, it’s called the Pushbike Song and it’s by a band called The Mixtures. You can watch the original clip just below.

Oh, and back to the Tour de France. It’s on SBS every night from about 10pm with replay shows at 7.30am and 6pm for the not-so-die-hards who appreciate their sleep. It runs for the next three weeks so settle into the saddle and enjoy the ride. Go Richie Porte!