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Frother of the Month – Andrzej Kowalski

By Marcus Braid on January 30, 2015 in People

Photo: Franck Gazzola - www.frothers.com.au

Photo: Franck Gazzola – www.frothers.com.au

Name: Andrzej (pronounced ‘On-jay’) Kowalski
Nickname: AK47, A-Dog, Andre,
Occupation: Digital Project Manager
Age: 50 (in January)
Local Break: Bondi
Board types: Pretty much everything from a 5’4” foamie fish to a 9’1” Malibu
Goofy or Natural: Goofy

Who are you?
I’m a crusty old Saffa surf dog, with a beautiful wife and daughter.

Where are you from?
I was born in Cape Town but have lived in Sydney for 20 years.

What brought you to the Eastern Suburbs?
When I was young and cocky, my mission when I came to Bondi was to steal all the Aussie chicks and drink all the Aussie beers. Now that I am married to an Aussie girl and cultivating a nice beer gut, I’d say it is mission accomplished.

How long ago did you start surfing?
35 years ago, as a pimply 15 year-old. The truth is, I only started surfing to get a tan and pull chicks.

You have young kids; are you trying to get them into surfing?
My daughter is named after the 1960s surfing movie Gidget, so I guess that answers that question.

Looking at the radical style of your turns, is it safe to assume you’ve competed in surfing quite a bit over the years?
I pretty much surfed a contest every weekend in the 1980s, up and down the east coast of South Africa. I never did very well in the contests, but man I surfed some epic waves and had loads of fun along the way.

What are the best and worst things about surfing at Bondi?
The best thing is the community. It’s nice to know everyone and have a chat. The worst thing is the community. Most of the time I am dropping in on my mates.

Do you travel around Australia to surf at all? Where do you usually head to?
Yep, this old dog has been to most places chasing waves. Western Australia, my wife’s hometown, gets my vote as the most beautiful part of Australia.

Where is your next holiday destination and, if money wasn’t an issue, what would be your dream destination?
I’m going to Hawaii for my 50th later in the year. Hawaii is not only about the North Shore; I’ve had pumping waves on the east coast and on the south side too. If time and money wasn’t an issue, my ideal holiday destination would be somewhere I can take the family, like Fiji, Bali or Hawaii. The Kowalskis have recently done all those three. My wife wants to go to France next.

Any last words?
I’ll quote my favourite human, Charles Darwin: “It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive, but those who can best manage change.”