Frother Of The Month – Luke Redmond

Photo: Brad Malyon (
This month’s Frother of the Month is Luke Redmond. Luke loves to get out there. A true Tama local, he’ll either be hanging for the flags to come down or he’ll be out in the water ripping it up on his foamie.
Name: Luke Redmond
Local break: Tamarama
Favourite break: Camel Rock
Board Dimensions: 5’10 ½”, 19 1/4”, 2 3/8” (it’s the ½” on the 5’10” that helps you rip)
Board Shaper: Tony McDonagh from Performance Surf Boards
Why is Camel Rock your favourite spot?
I grew up on the far South Coast. I love surfing down there because there are no crowds, just the country boys.
You’ve just returned from Mexico; what was the best wave you had?
My favourite spot over there was Huatulco. It’s a great right hand point break with warm water, a sand bottom and good food when you come in.
Where are you headed for your next surf adventure?
My next trip will be to Bali with my brother. We never get to go away together so I’m looking forward to it.
You’re always out at Tama or Maccas; when did you get into surfing?
I started on a Coolite when I was seven. I ended up moving into my grandparents’ place at Tama where I still surf every chance I get. Surfing keeps you young.
You recently competed in the Tama Coolite Challenge; how was it?
It was a beautiful day at my home beach. It was great to hang with mates from such a mixed group. It’s something that hasn’t happened for a while.
When you’re not surfing where would we find you?
At the Double Bay 18 Footers Sailing Club, where I’m the club manager. It’s great as I get to go from Tama to the Harbour everyday to work with good people in a wonderful environment. I’ve been there for 11 years and I still love it.
What do you love about surfing at Tama?
At the moment I’m teaching my beautiful girlfriend to surf. It’s great to see someone so pumped on getting out there and seeing someone catch their first wave is all-time. That’s one of the best things about Tama; there are always surfers who aren’t great getting great waves! It is also great being able to surf daily in a place where my whole family has done the same before me, for generations.
How does your girlfriend feel about all the time you spend surfing?
It’s great having such an understanding girlfriend who loves the beach and travel, and who supports my need to spend as much time in the ocean as possible.
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