Local Bloke… Alasdair McClintock from Bronte

The wittiest wordsmith in Waverley.
We met Bronte’s Alasdair ‘Aldo’ McClintock at Jed’s Café, Bondi, back in the day. He now runs his own written content business, Gordon Street. Creative. Communication. Aldo shares his local favourites with The Beast…
How long have you lived here? I’ve been living here for ten years now.
Why do you live here? For the early morning swims.
What’s your favourite beach? Bronte for a swim or Maroubra for a surf.
What’s your favourite eatery? Three Blue Ducks for breakfast or Wet Paint for a relaxed dinner. Sugarcane in Coogee is becoming a fast favourite too.
Where do you like to have a drink? These days, just on my balcony, although I can be tempted by the Robin Hood. I prefer pubs that don’t feature too heavily on Instagram.
Best thing about the Eastern Suburbs? The beaches. They’re the reason we’re all here, aren’t they?
Worst thing about the Eastern Suburbs? The person who stole my pumpkin I spent three months growing. Not technically a thing, I guess, but what kind of sick individual would do that? I lost a lot of faith in humanity that day.
Do you have a favourite sporting team? Yes, the Newcastle Knights. Joey Johns now lives down the road from me and I find it strangely disconcerting to live so close to the man who was my hero growing up. They say you should never meet your heroes, so I cross the road whenever I see him, lest he tries to strike up a conversation.
What music are you into at the moment? I’ve become a little obsessed with Loyle Carner and the new Gang of Youths album. Oddly, I’ve also been getting into a lot of old school soul music.
Who is your favourite person? My wife, Alicia, closely followed by the rest of my family. I also really like the guy who eats his muesli waist deep in the Bogey Hole, though I’ve never met him.
What do you get up to on the weekends? Surf, eat, beer, repeat. For now. I have a little one on the way soon, so I assume it’ll be pretty much changing diapers after that.
What do you do for work? I run my own written content business, Gordon Street. Creative. Communication. We specialise in written content for all businesses, great and small. If you need anything written – a tweet, proposal, newsletter, whatever – shoot me an email at alasdair@gordonstreet.com.au.
What’s your favourite thing about work? The variety of the clients I work with. I also take great pleasure in being a part of their journeys and watching their businesses grow.
Do you have a favourite quote? “Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously.” Or, “Don’t hope more than you’re willing to work.”
Any other words of wisdom for readers of The Beast? Stay out of my pumpkin patch!
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