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Local Bloke… Ben McCulloch From Bondi Beach

By Dan Hutton on October 2, 2012 in People

Photo: Grant Brooks

Bondi Beach’s future world boxing champion Ben McCulloch shares his local favourites with The Beast…

How long have you lived here?
It’s been seven years now.

What’s your favourite beach?
Come on… Bondi Beach – that’s why I live here brah! Coffs Harbour is where I grew up learning to surf and spending all day at Park Beach, my other favourite.

What’s your favourite eatery?
Beach Burrito down on the beach at North Bondi. I could eat that prawn burrito for breakfast and dinner every day.

Do you have a favourite sporting team?
Team Juicer (Ben ‘The Juicer’ McCulloch)!

What music are you into at the moment?
I was born in the ‘80s and grew up in the ‘90s so I run a lot of Talking Heads on my iPod and some ‘90s punk rock like CKY, NOFX and Blink 182. And Duran Duran just before we go out.

Where do you like to have a drink?
I do enjoy running around wildly and being festive down at the Beach Road, though I am not much of a drinking man. My buddies do most of the drinking but I’m not that big on it. A few weeks ago I ordered a Midori and lemonade and the female bartender called me a pussy!

Who is your favourite person?
A combination of my parents, Ken and Denise, and my little sister Kate, with a dash of my bender bestie and flatmate Leigh Webber.

What do you get up to on the weekends?
Often I shoot, edit and upload wild and usually victimless fun footage to YouTube. I spend some of my time giving to others – usually some homeless people in a commune just to the east of the city. Me and a few of my friends have a pretty good rapport with the guys there. I also like to ride my bodyboard when there is decent swell around the Eastern Suburbs.

What do you do for work?
I’m a full-time professional boxer. I aim to be the best in the world within two years at my weight. This takes up almost all of my time, energy and focus.

What’s your favourite thing about your work?
Honestly, it’s like a video game: the more time I put in, the better my balance, distance and timing gets. It’s as though I progress to another level pending the time I’ve put in. BANG and it’s over: demolishing a fighter with a perfectly timed counter right hand and not getting touched in return is a sweet feeling in the heat of combat!

Do you have a favourite quote?
“Doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves” – Horace Mann.

Any other words of wisdom for readers of The Beast?
Picking up rubbish that’s not yours, helping people in need and smiling at strangers will do more for your legacy than a mint body, killer tan and perfect pout ever will. Give me another two years, Eastern Suburbians, and I’ll bring exciting title fights to our shores, maiming all kinds of international fighters. Feel blessed and be nice! Thanks Beast.