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Local Bloke – John Mahony

By James Hutton on January 12, 2016 in People

Photo: Grant Brooks

Photo: Grant Brooks

Clovelly local John Mahony is a proud member of a middle-aged band and has a cosmetic medical practice in Paddington. John shares his local favourites with The Beast…

How long have you lived here?
Upon returning from my year of backpacking in 1991, the only place I wanted to live was Coogee, then in 1998 we moved to Clovelly and have been here ever since. On the other hand, I like to think I live not so much in a house but on a planet.

What’s your favourite beach? Each of the Eastern Beaches has its charms. Having them all here is like having a harem, I guess.

What’s your favourite eatery?
La Scala restaurant above the Light Brigade in Paddington, not just for the food but for their great enthusiastic attitude.

Where do you like to have a drink? Wherever my family, friends and colleagues are. I know it sounds unsophisticated, but if I am with family, friends and/or colleagues then the place is immaterial and the kind of drink doesn’t matter.

Do you have a favourite sporting team? The Stampede Under 14s basketball team, coached by the amazing Ino Maquirang. My son Alex is their star point guard.

What music are you into at the moment? Right now I’m into The Electro MAGGOTs. You might not have heard of them, but they are going to be big. Oh, and by the way, MAGGOT is an acronym for Middle Aged Guys Going Off Tonight.

Who is your favourite person? I will say my favourite person is my wife Flavia, with whom there is never a dull moment.

What do you get up to on the weekends? Watching school sport on Saturdays, and whichever Scots team my son is playing for. We’re working on the basketball thing. Then there might be band practice with my fellow Electro MAGGOTs.

What do you do for work? I have a cosmetic medical practice, Peach Cosmetic Medicine in Paddington.

What’s your favourite thing about work? Everyone is happy. Whatever the presenting symptom of the patient, I can nearly always improve them and help them, and they are almost invariably grateful and happy with the improvements achieved. What is not to like about that? And they thank me.

Do you have a favourite quote? What about a lyric? “And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make” – Abbey Road.

Any other words of wisdom for readers of The Beast? I’m the wrong guy for wisdom. I’m like the ferryman at the end of Siddhartha. I’m just doing my thing.