Local Favourites – Alasdair

Photo: Grant Brooks
working week burning toast at Jed’s Food Store in Bondi. Alasdair shares his local faves with The Beast…
Favourite Beach: Has to be Bronte although Bondi has its charms when it’s winter and no one’s around.
Eatery: I am stupidly addicted to the vegie burgers from Out of the Blue in Clovelly. I’m thinking of attending meetings to kick the habit.
Watering Hole: The Beach Road probably, due to the quality of the bands they get there.
Sporting Team: I wanted to be a Wallaby – I wasn’t good enough. Would have settled for the Newcastle Knights or Essendon Bombers, but they had no room for a skinny, slow bloke either.
Music: I’m currently wearing out the tracking on the new Taking Back Sunday, but like a bit of Bloc Party, Interpol, Urthboy, Sublime… the usual indie stuff.
Person: Hunter S. Thompson (which is no doubt a great concern to my mother).
Weekend Activity: If I’m not working or rehearsing, I’m relaxing with my beautiful girlfriend at the beach and falling off my surfboard.
Quote: “You better take care of me Lord, if you don’t you’re gonna have me on your hands.” Or “I feel the same way about disco as I do about herpes.”
Favourite Thing About Your Work: The friends I’ve made since working there and the regulars.
Final Word: I play in a band called This Dancefloor! and we are all types of awesome! You can find us on Facebook or at thisdancefloor.bandcamp.com.
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