Posts Tagged "fishing"

Surprise is a wonderful thing. In fact, our minds are wired for it. Scientific testing has proven that we crave the unexpected. That’s likely the reason why so many of us love the pursuit and experience of fishing, for...

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Occasionally I don the dick-stickers, goggles and ear plugs, and pretend to be one of those all year, all weather ocean swimmers. Seemingly immune to the cold and unperturbed by the threat of sharks, they ply endlessly, ...

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It was an interesting concept that was posed across the dinner table amongst a group of friends one boozy, delicious and fun filled evening. The concept, which has gained gravitas with me and is worth everyone’s consid...

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A few sprays on social media have spurred me to once again wax lyrical on a topic close to my heart – commercial fishing. It’s with a pinch of sadness that I reflect on the state of the commercial fishing industr...

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