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Video of the Week – Meet The Sloths

By Dan Hutton on October 16, 2011 in

Meet the sloths from Lucy Cooke on Vimeo.

Okay, so this week’s Video of the Week doesn’t have a hell of a lot to do with the Eastern Suburbs, but seeing as i have a massive hangover and have hardly left the couch today i feel like a big sloth, so i Googled ‘sloths’ and found this little vid of some cute orphans.

This time last year i had the pleasure of seeing sloths (both three-toed and two-toed) in the wild in the rainforests of Costa Rica and while they don’t really do much , they are certainly one of the world’s most intriguing creatures.

Anyway, enjoy the video, and if you ever get the chance to head to Costa Rica definitely take advantage of it. It is an amazing place!