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Video of the Week – South (Some Amazing Wipeouts Here!)

By Dan Hutton on October 1, 2012 in Video

South from Dave otto on Vimeo.

Most people with an inkling of an interest in surfing would’ve seen footage of the infamous Shipstern Bluff in Tasmania. In fact, most people without an interest in surfing would’ve seen footage of this gnarly break as it always seems to get a run on the nightly news when things are firing.

Well, this is probably the best video of Shippies that i’ve ever seen, not for the barrels made, but for the crazy wipeouts and the interesting angles. The following footage really does go along way to showing just how big one’s balls must be to surf this epic ledge. It should also be noted that a 13 year-old kid surfed it the other week too. Amazing!

The first couple of minutes are another Storm Bay break but hold out for the Shippies footage. It’s worth the wait!