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Video of the Week – The Originals

By Dan Hutton on July 14, 2013 in Video

The Originals from Dave otto on Vimeo.

There’s nothing better than a Shipsterns surf video to fire you up on a Monday morning!

For those not in the know, Shipsterns is that gnarly break on the south-east coast of Tasmania. You pretty much have to have a portion of your brain missing (namely the one controls fear) to even consider surfing it.

This is an edit from Dave Otto from some long lost archives. He thought this drive was long gone and was pretty happy to stumble across it.

The opening is all early paddle footage from Shipsterns, the middle is from the biggest tow day ever and the end has a few clips from April this year with Kelly Slater and crew.

It’s best viewed in HD with headphones firmly attached to your melon! Enjoy.