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Video of the Week – Handle With Care

By Dan Hutton on August 24, 2014 in

Handle With Care from ticktockrobot on Vimeo.

My son turns one this week. It’s been an amazing year. Anyone who has been through this whole fatherhood thing would surely agree that it is quite a phenomenal experience.

As a tongue in cheek rough guide to caring for a newborn baby, the above video, Handle With Care, combines factual information with the imagination and personal experiences of director and first-time father, Jun Iwakawa. The resulting visual interpretation plays out in the form of a humorous, often warped, infographic.

Split across nine categories: Bonding, Sleeping, Feeding, Poo/Wee, Bathing, Clothing, Playing, Transporting, and First Aid, this is a whistle stop tour of practical data and tips which leaves the viewer to decide what is fact and what is most certainly not.

As a young dad, I found it amusing. Hopefully you do too!