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Video of the Week – Staring Down the Shorebreak

By Dan Hutton on May 11, 2014 in Video

CREATORS: Clark Little on Staring Down Shorebreak for The Perfect Shot from The Inertia on Vimeo.

Pretty much everyone around these parts is most probably aware of surf photography websites like Aquabumps and Frothers.

A fella you may not have been acquainted with is Clark Little.

Clark does a similar sort of thing to Aquabumps and Frothers in that he takes photos of waves and whatnot with an underwater housing-clad camera.

The big difference between Clark and these other guys is that he does so in amongst the growling jaws of the Waimea shorebreak. The bloke is a bona fide nutcase.

The results are absolutely beautiful, but knowing what he’s gone through to create them make them even more incredible. Watch this video and you’ll get a better idea of what I mean.

Mr Little is certainly worth a follow on Instagram!