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Do You Like To Do It In The Morning?

By East Side Crew on October 11, 2011 in Sport

Photo: Grant Brooks

We love training in the morning; it sets you up for a cracker of a day. Early morning exercise gets the endorphins flowing so you go to work feeling great – even the constant jolting on the 339 can’t ruin your mood. But best of all, you’ve been out enjoying the fresh air and being generally fit and healthy before most people have even gotten out of bed!

If you do like to exercise in the morning here are a few tips to remember:

1. If you are training for performance or planning on doing a high intensity session you should try to consume some high GI food that will be quickly absorbed in the blood stream at least an hour before you train (i.e. a sports drink or carbohydrate gel).

2. If your goal is weight loss, exercising early in the morning without eating beforehand may result in fat being used as the primary fuel for exercise. However, if you exercise in a fasted state you may not be able to exercise at a high intensity. High intensity exercise leads to a greater fat burning effect during and after the training has finished, so you need to consider what your goals are regarding your exercise.

3. Regardless of whether you have eaten before the session, it is vital that you have a good breakfast after training to help your body recover and stabilise your blood sugar levels so that you don’t undo all your hard work with a mid-morning muffin! Your breakfast should ideally contain a mix of protein, carbohydrates and some good fats.

This month’s workout is one we have been doing with East Side Crew clients. If you can beat our best score of 5 rounds and 36 squats, give us a yell or post your results on our Facebook page to win a week’s free training.

The workout follows an ‘AMRAP’ (As Many Rounds As Possible) format, which basically means that you try to get through as many rounds of the workout as possible within a set time period.

– 800M RUN

Think of this workout as if you were going for a 30-minute run – you wouldn’t sprint the first 2 minutes and leave nothing left for the next 28. Pace yourself for the first 10 minutes, pick up the intensity for the middle 10, then try to smash it and get through as much as possible in the last 10. Do this and you will get a much better result.