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Reid Returns With New Work

By Marcus Braid on September 11, 2013 in

Photo: Caleb Reid Artwork

Photo: Caleb Reid Artwork

After a debut exhibition where all his paintings sold out in less than half an hour, 24-year-old Bronte artist Caleb Reid (who many people would know as the creator of the artworks at his brother’s café/restaurant, Three Blue Ducks) returns to the spotlight with his second show, ‘New Works’.

For his latest solo exhibition, Reid has created a series of mixed media paintings that look to express the sweeping ranges of human emotional tension.

In creating ‘New Works’, Reid believes that he has taken his art to a new level after going through the turmoil of a relationship breakdown and spending time reflecting upon it with a paintbrush in hand.

“The works are a lot more sophisticated than my first exhibition and I explore my emotional range in more depth. You could say I’ve had an interesting emotional year,” Reid said.

One thing that those who attended his first exhibition will notice is Reid’s experimentation with colour in these new creations.

“I combine planes of colour with a lot of drawing. I’ve experimented with a lot more colour this time around. The lower my emotions are on the spectrum the more colour that seems to come out in my work,” he said.

‘New Works’ will be exhibiting for one night only at Lo-Fi Collective in Surry Hills (above The Standard) on September 19 from 6pm to 8pm. For an exhibition catalogue, price list or any sales enquires, visit calebreidart.wordpress.com.