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Social Media Marketing – A Crash Course

Social media is the largest, most rapid change in media and marketing since the launch of TV fifty years ago. But unlike TV and other traditional media which have always had a major cost barrier to entry, this new media allows everyone to get on and blast out their own content. Which is creating opportunities for small and large players.

This crash course runs 7 to 9pm on Wednesday evening 8 June 2011.

We provide:
– the inspiration to get you started
– examples of best practice
– the key info you really need
– access to resources
– videos you can review later on how to do it

Social media marketing can help you / your business:
– listen to what’s happening in the market
– build relationships with customers
– focus attention on your brand’s strengths
– build brand value
– get higher in searches
– generate leads and opportunities

Can’t make the current course date?
You can see all current offerings at www.mediaschool.com.au

Media School Studio, 335 Clovelly Road, Clovelly, 2031
How Much:
Visit Website

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