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A Few Festive Season Favourites

By Dan Hutton on December 17, 2018 in Food

Silly season is here, by Tina Sparkle

Well here we are, approaching the end of yet another year. 2018 has been pretty full-on for me thus far with my youngest starting daycare and bringing home every bug under the sun – it took quite a bit of wine to get through it!

This festive season I’ll be celebrating making it through a challenging year, although a good one nonetheless. December will be filled with bubbles, and I’ll treat myself with some particularly nice wines. I might even finish up with a sticky for a bit of fun.


Not everyone has the budget to go French, but there are some killer specials at this time of the year. Because most stores give you a discount on six or more bottles of wine, if you’re buying half a dozen for gifts (or for yourself ) it’s not too much of a stretch to throw in a single bottle of Veuve, Pol Roger or whatever takes your fancy.

Don’t forget that there are also plenty of great non-French imports (Proseccos and Cavas) that taste
sensational, and the locals do great stuff too. Tassie bubbles can be a weakness of mine, especially the House of Arras and Clover Hill.

That said, my favourite thingmto bring out at this time of year is the sparkling red – an Australian classic. This year it’ll be Castagna’s ‘Genesis’ sparkling red. People freak out a little bit when I pour them a glass, but then they try it. I’ve never had any complaints!


Those who follow this column (thank you) will know that I like the interesting producers who make something fun and different. I’ve signed up to Tom Shobbrook’s wine club and will get a handful
of exciting Barossa drops every so often. If you want a wine to challenge you, this is where you’ll find it.

I also recently raided my cellar and found a few bits and pieces that I’m looking forward to trying in the near future – Sami-Odi wines are spectacular (contact Fraser directly), as are the always
fun Ruggabellus reds and whites from the Barossa (tell Abel I said g’day when you order directly).

I also have a vertical (consecutive vintages) of Thomas Braemore Semillon that will get me through a few prawn sangers on a hot day.


We don’t drink enough dessert wine in Australia. I think this is partially because we don’t often drink wine specifically to match with food, like many other cultures do. We just get on the piss. It’s a shame, because dessert wines are so fantastic. Sure, they’re a little expensive given that they come in those smaller bottles, but they’re delightful all the same.

De Bortoli Noble One is, of course, a staple here, but talk to your local bottle shop about their selection. Pro tip: spend a little more here. It’s worth it. And if you can find it, Chateau d’Arche is a personal favourite.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all you crazy Beasts!