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Monster Raffle Marks Fifteen Years

By Marcus Braid on May 8, 2015 in

Photo: James Hutton

Photo: James Hutton

On Friday, May 15, the ‘Forever Johnno’ Monster Raffle and Auction will take place at the Coogee Bay Hotel.

The Monster Raffle and Auction, held each year in honour of Johnno Ward, who lost his battle with childhood liver disease at age nine in 2008, raises much-needed funds for the Clancy Ward at Westmead Children’s Hospital, where Johnno was cared for by the devoted staff during his lengthy illness.

Now in its 15th year, event organizer and father of Johnno, Mal Ward, is hoping that the 2015 Monster Raffle and Auction will be even more successful than it has been in the past.

Kicking off at 7pm, a night of eating, drinking, dancing and donating is guaranteed. Entry is free, and everyone is encouraged to attend and participate in the events of the night.

“You just come along,” Mal said. “That’s the whole idea – to come along and have a beer. Even if people just watch the presentations and what’s going on.”

It’d be nigh on impossible not to participate in the raffles given the prizes on offer, which include sporting memorabilia from the Swans, Roosters and Rabbitohs, as well as accommodation packages, beauty packs and restaurant vouchers that can be bid upon in the evening’s auctions.

With a number of sports stars and popular personalities from around the Eastern Beaches confirmed to be in attendance, get ready to mingle with the people you watch on your television.

The Coogee Bay Hotel is proud to host the event and honoured to be a part of such a great initiative.

The organisers of the ‘Forever Johnno’ Monster Raffle and Auction are encouraging people to dig deep for this great cause. If you can’t attend on the night and wish to purchase raffle tickets or make a donation, you can do so at the Coogee Bay Hotel at any time. If you’re keen to donate prizes to the event or would like any other information, please call Mal on 0414293396.