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October Thumbs

By Marcus Braid on October 15, 2014 in

Up – Lifeguards – The boys (and girls) in blue now back on all our beaches (not just the famous ones) so feel free to jump in a rip.

Down – Racist Junk Mail – Whoever is behind the ‘Wake Up White Australia’ pamphlet should f**k off to another country right now.

Up – The Rivalry – The rivalry between the Roosters and the Rabbitohs has been out of control the last couple of years.

Down – Huey – It’s a pity he didn’t come to the party for the Red Bull Cape Fear event last month, but it was still a good show regardless.

Up – Aldi Chocolate – Oh my god, why did no one tell us about this sooner? Sorry Cadbury and Lindt, you lose.

Down – Bondi Underground Carpark – Let’s leave the Westfield-style car parks up the Junction and keep Bondi all beachy and outdoors.

Up – Instagram – If you’re not doing so already, search for @thebeastmag and click that ‘follow’ button right now.

Down – One-Way Gauntlet Runners – People who intentionally go down one-way streets the wrong way should be lined up and shot.

Up – The Herald Crossword – The best way to start the day, particularly when combined with a cup of coffee and an almond croissant.

Down – Food Fads – Juice detoxes, kale smoothies, froyo and paleo can all get stuffed. Give me a balanced diet any day.