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Safety Should Always Come First

By Dan Hutton on December 23, 2011 in

“I remember the good old days when you could play cricket in the street until dark,” Grandpa always said.

Unfortunately times have changed, and even though most of us know our neighbours and suburbs back to front, we don’t always know who visits our streets with ulterior motives.

Disturbingly, there have been a few reported incidents involving an owner of a white van trying to entice children into it around the Bondi area, with an incident occurring recently at the intersection of Glenayr Avenue and Murriverie Road. Even with the child’s father just a sort distance away, it did not deter the man from attempting to lure the child into his vehicle.

At times some of us become momentarily lax about safety, as for most part we feel secure in our own environment. However, we all need to be vigilant when it comes to the safety of our children, whether they are our own or our neighbours’.

Kids can sometimes be too trusting of their elders, and police are urging us to reinforce some common safety advice for the littlies:

• Walking with a friend or group of friends is safer and more fun.

• Know people in your community you can trust. They could include teachers, doctors, nurses, shopkeepers, bus drivers and police.

• Find places you feel safe that you can go to when you feel unsafe or unsure. These places could include hospitals, schools, shops, neighbours’ or friends’ houses and police stations.

• Never talk to strangers or get into strange cars.

• Walk where there are lots of people. Don’t take short cuts.

• Remember, it’s okay to say ‘no’ if you feel unsafe or unsure.