Ten Tonne Sparrow presents the world-premiere production of the charmingly sincere and touchingly funny Love Song Dedications (without Richard Mercer). Created by, and starring, multi-disciplinary artists Tom Hogan and B...

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Our Nature Connection walk is the antidote to high-stress, fast-paced modern lives. Studies have shown that being outside in nature has a many of health outcomes, for your mind, body and soul. Informed by the Japanese pr...

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This is a 6 week course provides a thorough and practical training in cultivating a good heart through the Tibetan Buddhist practice of Loving Kindness (metta). It is a way to find love and compassion in ourselves and pr...

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We’ll be decking out the venue & opening our doors from 12pm with All-American food & drinks specials! Think mini hotdogs, fried chicken & chilli cheese fries and a classic apple pie for dessert. Plus enjoy...

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Women of Craft celebrates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and their distinctive role in knowledge sharing, teaching and community life. The one-day event showcases Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander skills...

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This workshop is about learning how to conquer binge eating, cravings, emotional eating, and triggers. Come and explore food addiction in a supportive environment. We’ll answer common questions such as: How do I kn...

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This National Tree Day we’ve got a range of nature immersion activities for all ages! Yoga for all ages; forest therapy, nature craft, tree planting, family nature walk, information about turning your garden into an oa...

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You’re invited to the Bellamy family dining table, set with their finest glassware and a few charmingly mismatched spoons. In this unique (and not so traditional) dinner-turned-performance, the rituals and customs of a...

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Are you ready to let of of anything holding you back from being the most radiant version of you? 🙂 Join Mel from Luminate Life, and special guest presenter, Kyla Tustin, from the I Love Life movement, for an afternoon...

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Are you ready to let of of anything holding you back from being the most radiant version of you? 🙂 Join Mel from Luminate Life, and special guest presenter, Kyla Tustin, from the I Love Life movement, for an afternoon...

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