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December Thumbs

By Dan Hutton on December 18, 2014 in Other

Up – Summer – We give a thumbs up to this great season every year for good reason. Bring on the warmth and everything that comes with it.

Down – Jokes About Terrorism – In this day and age, it is not funny to joke about blowing people up, even parking rangers.

Up – Candlelit Carolling – Make sure you get down to your local carols night, sing your lungs out and get into the Christmas spirit.

Down – Bronte Park Vandals – To the scumbags who smashed glass bottles and hid them in the sandpit at Bronte, I hope you contract Ebola.

Up – Religious Festivities – Whether you’re Jewish, Christian or just like to party, Chanukah (Dec 16-24) and Christmas (Dec 25) are almost upon us.

Down – Auctions – No one leaves an auction happy these days. You either miss out on the property or spend way more than you intended to get it.

Up – Gertrude & Alice – The best little bookshop-slash-café in the world has recently had a little reno and it is looking better than ever.

Down – Moving House – As if packing everything up isn’t bad enough, you then have to unpack it all again a couple of days later. Punishing.

Up – Night Noodle Markets – Kingsford will come to life when the inaugural Kingsford Night Noodle Markets gets underway on December 6.

Down – Melanoma – Please slip, slop, slap and wrap this summer. You might look good with a tan, but aesthetics aren’t that important when you’re dead.